Our Beliefs

Our Beliefs

  • We believe in one God, who makes and sustains everything. We believe that God exists in 3 persons who have complete unity– the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.
  • We believe that all humans have by nature rejected God, and that the Bible calls this ‘sin’. God’s punishment for sin is eternal death.
  • We believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross, in order to take the punishment for our sin and save us from eternal death. Through trusting in Jesus Christ alone, we receive God’s free gift of eternal salvation and will live in restored relationship with God forever.
  • We believe that God commands us in the Bible to encourage all people, everywhere, to trust in Jesus Christ as the one who saves.

We share these core beliefs with all the churches in the Sydney region who call themselves “Evangelical Anglican churches”. A full statement of our beliefs can be found at this link. If you are interested to find out more, please talk to one of our ministers.