
WRAC Kids logo

West Ryde Anglican Church Kids (WRAC Kids) – filled with games, craft and music, it is a fun and safe place to spend time with old friends and meet new ones, to be challenged and to learn more about the Bible and what it means to follow Jesus.

Kids Club @4pm on Friday

Kids Club is an after-school group for primary-aged children.

Where: Main Church Building

When: Friday afternoons during school term

Time: 4.00 pm – 5.30 pm

Cost: $15 per child or $20 per family for each term

Kids Church @9am and @10:45am on Sunday

Kids Church is a fun time of learning big truths about Jesus Christ. Every Sunday there’s lots of fun, games, songs, and craft, as we learn more of Jesus in the bible.

Kids Church is for children:
9am: Preschool to Year 5
10:45am: Preschool to Year 8

There’s a creche every week as well for under-threes.

Where: Darvall and Rydale Halls.

When: Sunday morning during church

9.00 am – 10:15 am
10.45 am – 12:00 pm

For more information contact Belinda Whitfield

All workers have undergone relevant Working with Children checks and undertaken Safe Ministry Training through the Anglican Church Sydney Diocese.